
The Blender

One of my birthday gifts this year...a blender. Yes, I actually asked for it. Just today we made strawberry and chocolate shakes. Now I'm on the hunt for some healthy smoothie recipes. Any thoughts?


  1. Hi Lisa
    Here is a good Blueberry Smoothie Recipe for you

    1 banana, peeled (frozen or soft)
    1 cup yogurt
    1 cup milk
    1 cup blueberries

    Blend together the banana, yogurt and milk. Add 1 cup of blueberries to the mixture and blend. Slowly add ice cubes and blend on a pulse setting until your drink is the texture you desire and serve.

    You can make similar smoothies for almost any kind of fruit. Simply add between 1 and 1 1/2 cups of fruit to your basic base and blend.

    Lots of smoothie recipes can be found here Blender Recipes

  2. Angela- That sounds great! Thanks so much.

  3. I am asking for a blender for Christmas (we'll see if I get it) -- I have one now, but it's a hand-me-down and it leaks...

    If I do get one, I hope it will be as cute as the one pictured here.

  4. Be sure to do your research first! I bout a cheap one at wal-mart and it broke a few days later on ice and frozen strawberries :( I did some research here as well as here and I love my new blender. :)

  5. Patty- Great suggestion...especially since I love adding ice to things. :)


Thanks for your comment on lisa.orgler.design! I plan to take a peek before posting...but it will be there soon!