
Z is for Zucchini Bread

Here we are at letter number twenty-six...zucchini bread. This is one of my husband's specialties. We grow zucchini, freeze it, then he bakes it all winter. It's a simple, fast breakfast. Thanks to Leah M. for the suggestion via Twitter.

Thanks for following along this month. I've had tons of fun with your input. On Monday I'll be starting The Tomato Chronicles. Have a great weekend!


Y is for Yogurt

I've shifted away from cereal in the morning over to yogurt. I especially like yogurt mixed with bananas and orange juice in a blender (my simple smoothie recipe).


X is for X-tra Cheesy Omelet

I know I'm stretching it here, but omelet had to be included on this list somewhere. What's an omelet without tons of gooey cheese?


W is for Waffles

This is a favorite at our house and just can't be left off the list! Wow, only three letters to go...


U is for Upside-Down Cake that is Very Tasty

I just realized that I had to squeeze two letters on one card to have my alphabet poster layout perfectly. U and V seemed like a good pair. Thanks to Janet I. for the Upside-Down cake suggestion via Facebook!


T is for Tea

A beautiful drink that I only started appreciating in the past few years. Thanks to Julianna01 via Twitter for the suggestion!

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S is for Scrambled Eggs and Sausage

One of my son's favorite snacks is scrambled eggs...made in the microwave. Easy, fast and healthy to boot. I guess there are worst things he could be eating.


R is for Raisin Bran

This was my favorite cereal as a child. Amazingly it's healthy and sweet all in one bowl. Thanks to Tara for the suggestion!


Q is for Quiche

I really need to learn how to make a quiche. I love them, but never indulge in this delicacy at home...it's always in a restaurant.


P is for Pancake

My kids love pancakes. They live for them every weekend and get slightly angry when they are not in the house.


O is for Orange

My favorite drink for breakfast...especially with something salty like eggs benedict, hashbrowns and toast.


N is for Nutty Orange Coffee Cake

I know this is a stretch, but this letter is really difficult and coffee cake had to be included somewhere. Honestly, this is a real recipe. Of course, I don't have the recipe, but if someone out there does, please share the link.


M is for Milk and Muffins

Two fabulous "M"s for breakfast. How could I let milk and muffins not make an appearance? Thanks to Kathy A. for the muffin idea! I just added the milk for good measure.

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L is for Lemon Crepes

Another tough letter for breakfast, but someone suggested crepes with a delectable lemon juice and brown sugar sauce. I couldn't resist. Thanks Leila!


K is for Kringla

It was really tough thinking of a "K" breakfast food, so I've chosen one of our sweet favorites...kringla. To learn more about kringla, take a look at one of my past posts here. Thanks to Danni B. for this suggestion!!


J is for Jelly on Toast

This is a staple at our house. Nothing can beat this simple and fast breakfast. {print available}

And the winners for my recipe card giveaway are...you'll just have to take a peak at Palate-to-Pen to find out. Thanks to all that entered! It was so much fun reading your comments.


I is for Instant Coffee

I know, freshly brewed is probably your coffee of choice...not instant. I just couldn't leave coffee off the list and it fit well here. Plus it reminds me of my childhood, since instant coffee was what my parents drank. Thanks for the suggestion Glori!

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H is for Hashbrowns

Eggs benedict is fabulous, but it is superb with hashbrowns. Can you see why I love breakfast so much? Thanks for the hashbrowns addition Leila!
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G is for Grapefruit

Pucker up for this traditional, healthy breakfast treat. Thanks to Sandy for the suggestion! {print available}

An interesting tidbit...I was interviewed by Shane from the blog Only Good Movies. If you have any desire to learn about my movie favorites, this is your chance. :) He also has a fun site called A1 Movie Reviews.


F is for French Toast

Okay, this is my second favorite breakfast food. How can you not like bread soaked in egg and syrup?


E is for Eggs Benedict

This is my absolute favorite breakfast food. I'll eat it at any meal...and often do.

Don't forget to check out my recipe card giveaway at Palate-to-Pen!

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D is for Donut

The donut is an easy breakfast on the go, sweet treat kid breakfast, and office breakfast delight. Okay, it's probably the worst thing for us, but we all need a sugary start some days. Thanks to Betsy E. for this pick!


C is for Corn Flakes

I was going to simply draw "cereal" for "C", but then someone suggested I illustrate corn flakes. Here you go. Thanks to Jenni B. for the idea!

Another recipe card set giveaway! Jen from Palate-to-Pen is generously hosting a giveaway of one set of my recipe cards over the next week. Please find out more here and good luck!! Thanks Jen!


B is for Bacon and Eggs

After having bacon this weekend at my in-laws I realized "B" could not go by without this breakfast staple.


A is for Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal

Happy April! This month I'll be drawing the alphabet and focusing on breakfast foods.

To make it even more fun I'll be asking for your advice on my Facebook Fan Page on which foods I should draw for each letter. If I choose the food you suggest I'll send you three recipe cards. If there are multiple guesses of the same thing, I'll just go with the first person who wrote it. Thanks to Kristina S. for the "A" food!

I won't ask for every letter, but I'll definitely ask about a lot of them. I can't wait to hear your ideas! {print available}