

As I teach you my tips and tricks about garden design, it's only appropriate to also give you the skills to carry out your creations. One of these skills is knowing how to draw plants in plan view (looking from above down towards your garden). I've included two resources for you below...an illustration showcasing a sampling of plant symbols, plus I created a short video so you can actually see the process of how I draw them.

If you'd like to purchase a copy of the diagram above you can find the digital version here or the hard copy here...and below is a short video showing you how I whip up a plant symbol or two. Enjoy!

If you're interested in more articles like this one, plus would like to receive a free copy of my theme garden eBook, please sign up for my email updates here.


Jessica Tucker Creatives said...

Lovin' your gardening blog, Lisa! Nice job:)

Unknown said...

Thanks Jessica! I'm glad you could visit.

Catherine said...

Cute vid Lisa. What a difference adding the shadows with the soft gray pen makes. Suddenly 'pop' it's 3-dimensional!

Unknown said...

Thanks Catherine - Isn't that crazy? A little gray goes a long way.

Jan Johnsen said...

Lisa this is great!!! I am posting this with a link back to you on my garden blog 'Serenity in the Garden' on blogspot.

You really are a great educator using Youtube. Bravo!

Unknown said...

Thanks Jan! What kind words!

Mariëtte said...

Love the video. Thanks!

Unknown said...

Thanks Mariette!