Salad just isn't complete without cottage cheese gracing the top. My mom started me on this habit and now I've started my kids on the same. Though my son will eat a plain lettuce salad, he always has his ceremonial complaint when the cottage cheese is absent.
I like this drawing. The lettuce looks Happy.
Like your son, I used to eat cottage cheese on my salads all the time rather than dressing, and it was about the only way I was willing to eat raw veggies. Now, however, I go for dressings. Your drawing is wonderful, by the way, as are all the ones you've included on your website. Thanks for sharing this!
I've always eaten it with fruit but never thought about putting in on my veggie salad. I'll try this tonight.
I *love* salad with cottage cheese on it. It's actually one of my favorite uses of cottage cheese...
My parents have always put cottage cheese and jam on their pancakes instead of maple syrup. Not bad, but not my favorite. I need my flapjacks sweet!
My parents put cottage cheese and jam on their pancakes. I would rather have my cottage cheese with tomatoes and some fresh ground pepper. I've been contemplating making my own...could be a fun science project!
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