We're starting with a delicious recipe for grilled asparagus from a lovely blog called Prairie Story by Alison Zulyniak. I encourage you to check out Alison's full post, plus all the other fabulous recipes she has on her site!
If you'd like to submit a recipe for me to draw please read my submission guidelines here.
Grilled Asparagus are the best as well as roasting them. Simply delicious and easy to prepare.
Nice recipe card idea :)
I did a post about asparagus too! Is this asparagus month?? Wonderful drawing!
Excellent!! I do love these playing card illustrations. And grilled asparagus too. Of course. Who wouldn't? Alas, no more grilled asparagus here until next spring. (Imported asparagus just isn't the same.)
Hi LInda- I'm drawing food posts from other food blogs...anything people want to submit. Lisa
Hey, I must say, this is so cool. Would love to try it out for some of mine.
Do you have an end date to this event or something? I can line up my post accordingly.
Hi Varada-
If you can get a post to me right away, I'll still try to get it in this month. Please email me directly at lisaorgler@huxcomm.net. I look forward to hearing from you!
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