Today you'll gain a sneak peak into The Secret Society of Raspberry Revelry and the festivities in which they partake.
The Society is composed of my two oldest children and their four friends. They met for dinner to share their love of the sweet and perfect raspberry. This post will share some of their most devout secrets.
Don't forget about having luxury dinner parties for your kids. It's a fabulous time to get away from cutesy birthday party themes and try something fresh and new.
Secret #1
They love to have dinner themes. Tonight they are focusing on the sweetness of raspberries. Did you know that choosing a theme actually expands your creativity? Try it.
To develop a dinner party theme...pick a favorite food, then pair it up with a fun word. Some examples include: A Pancake Picnic or a Souffle Soiree!
Secret #2
They love to dine outdoors. By choosing the coveted front porch, they enjoyed the fresh air, yet were still protected from obscure weather.
Secret #3
They insist on fresh flowers. Tonight they chose zinnias from the cutting garden, then paired them up with raspberries in small fruit boxes. To add a little punch we painted the boxes a bright blue.
Our theme dictated the color scheme (red and raspberry blue), so we chose fabrics to match. A little hint...when mixing patterns, always pair up a larger pattern with a small one.
Secret #4
They love making crafty decorations using what they have on hand. Today they made these nifty banners by dipping coffee filters in red and blue kool-aid. Once they dried, we stapled them onto twine. I just can't bring myself to take them down. They are so lovely.
Secret #5
They focus on simple and delicious food. By borrowing fabulous recipes from other talented cooks and using some of their own concoctions, The Society can focus on a beautiful setting and good company.
Secret #6
They enjoy picking goodies directly from the garden. Unfortunately, time constraints meant cutting out the berry patch this time, but don't forget to show your kids the source of their tasty foods.
Recipes for this course:
Cranberry Raspberry Shirley Temple Sangria (cranberry raspberry juice and ginger ale, then drop in a clementine orange slice and a raspberry)
Recipes for this course:
Raspberry Pancakes (pancake mix, fresh raspberries)
Raspberry Chocolate Milk (chocolate milk, plus cranberry raspberry juice)
Recipes for this course:
Raspberry and Banana Smoothie (fresh raspberries, bananas, vanilla yogurt, raspberry juice and ice - blend together)
Secret #7
They love pairing drinks with each course. Tonight a different raspberry delicacy was combined with each food creation.
Secret #8
They enjoy the process of planning ahead. Tonight's meal was created over three days, spreading out the love of cooking, while eliminating stress.
They love pairing drinks with each course. Tonight a different raspberry delicacy was combined with each food creation.
Secret #8
They enjoy the process of planning ahead. Tonight's meal was created over three days, spreading out the love of cooking, while eliminating stress.
Secret #9
They make sure to balance out their sweet and salty foods. Because the raspberry theme tended to be towards the sweet side, we added the cheese, quiche, and sausage to even it up a bit.
Secret #10
Well, maybe we'll just keep this last one a secret.
I hope you've enjoyed taking a peak into the The Secret Society of Raspberry Revelry. Look for our next agenda items soon.
{Click on menu below to see larger version}

What a cool party! I love the outdoorsy-ness of it all, and you've got a very cute planning crew! :D
I'm first to comment! This is an awesome idea! I was really wanting to drink that raspberry chocolate milk. Congratulations on making it to round 3... I'll keep voting!
Wow,everything looks awesome, love raspberries. Working on my post!
So amazingly clever! I bet the kiddos LOVED this!!! You absolutely have my vote!! :)
I love that you did a luxury dinner for kids. That's different and creative. I would love to taste those peanut butter abd raspberry jelly cookies! Yumm!
How sweet! Would have been so fun to be a part of this outdoor dinner party. :-)
Lisa another fabulous post for pFB. I love that you included your kids - so fun! Good luck though I am sure you will be heading to Round 4...
Love what you did with this challenge. To be a kid again and have a party like that! Best wishes to the next round...
Per usual, your illustrations are beautiful! I hope we can both advance further in #PFB2010!
Very sweet and original. I am a raspberry fiend and I would have happily joined them!
My goodness, I really want to become a member of this Secret Society after reading your innovative post! Your kids must be thoroughly loved, and my kids will be thoroughly jealous of this fabulous Raspberry Revelry party! Great job, I really enjoyed this.
Super cute and super creative! I love that you got the kiddos involved...although to tell you the truth...I wouldn't mind joining in on the fun!
What a sweet way to throw a luxury dinner party. Great post!
Dear Lisa - I applaud your creativity. So refreshing. You are a true artist in the food blog world. Best wishes, go far! We need you! This post is so adorable...
It was so great that you involved your children in the planning of the party and making decorations. What a sweet idea for Raspberry Revelry, weaving the raspberry theme through every element of your menu. great post for PFB #3
SOOOO ADORABLE!!! What a fun party!
Adorable- I love your interpretation of luxury! Just voted!
Just a heads up- I think Secret #3 is missing.
Great post!!!
Thanks for the heads up on the mystery of missing secret #3! It's back! I guess eating, cooking, and planning parties for days will do that to you! :)
I ADORE your blog! Everything is just so beautiful!!!! Again, you'll have my vote!
Very cute! I love that you let your children have the party and had such simple and fun dishes :)
ps. just bought frames for your drawings! I can't wait to hang them in our new kitchen!!
A very adorable idea! I just gave you a vote. Good Luck!
Adorable! I love the photo of them toasting. Looks like they had a great time.
Very creative dinner party. Congratulations and good luck!
Bon appetit!
What an adorable party! I love how you took a kid friendly approach to fine dining. They much have felt so special! And the raspberry theme is awesome! You have my vote!
Very cute!
raspberry-licious :) and adorable. Voted.
(see my entry here: http://www.foodbuzz.com/project_food_blog/challenges/3/view/1094)
I think your concept should be the title of a kids' book! Love it! You did a great job here -- the kids were really involved, not just props for the post, and they look like they LOVED it -- yet it still came out beautiful and fancy. You have a vote from me!
My dinner party was designed to take the diner food from Gooch's Diner, where my parents first met over 40 years ago, and elevate it to luxury for their 39th wedding anniversary. Come see if you'd like :)
This is amazing. Your kids are beautiful and so is the dinner you made with them. I can only hope to do as creative and stimulating activities when I am a mom one day! Good luck to you in Project Food Blog!
I wish I could vote 5 times. Very entertaining. Thank you for sharing.
fantastic and amazing...once again you just make me drool over your pictures...
Thank you for being you! Thank you for honoring your kiddos! Blessings! Megan @ foodalution!
I would love to join this secret society! This meal sounds dreamy, and I love the crafty decorations!
I've always admired your artwork and this one turned out so sweet and beautiful..really nice job and thanks for stopping by my blog with your lovely comments
Will you be my mother? I feed my kids lutefisk and you enact raspberry revalry! Beautiful! You have my vote. Don't worry, I made nicer food this time for Challenge #3!
Breakfast for dinner always feels like a treat and your beautiful porch must have pushed this gathering over the top. So cute!
Everything and everyone are so adorable - love that you threw a dinner party for the kids, love your illustrations (as always), and love the theme! Your posts always put a smile to my face... too cute!
nice theme for the dinner party
nice theme ,...good luck for the next challenge
Lovely post and I love the decorations your kids made! Very creative. Best wishes!
Your creativity seems boundless! What a wonderful post. Great party! Your guests looked like they had one delightful time!
Voted as promised! Please look at my entry too, to round 4 for us both!
Gorgeous. Adorable. Helpful!
What a great post and kid-friendly party! You have my vote!
that is just so cute and creative! such cute kiddos!
congrats on an awesome dinner party
This brought a smile to my face - what a fun way to include the kids. I know my niece and nephew would love just such a party. My vote's in. Good luck!
I love it! So adorable!
So creative! I loved it from start to finish....it also made me laugh because I remember a friend a long time ago making cold raspberry soup. It was AWFUL! So thanks for making me laugh and remember :D Kudos, you got my vote, hope we both make it through! http://bit.ly/cNNCrR
How cute! Looks like it was a great dinner party! Hope we both make it to the next round! :-) You have my vote!
This is terrific! Love the infusion of raspberries in the dishes! Voted!
I wish you could illustrate my life. Gorgeous work! You have my vote!
Inspired as always. Looks like a fun time, and your art work brings it all together nicely. Nicely done. I voted for you!
Good luck! Fingers crossed that we both make it through to the next round. =)
Great entry – you are so unique with every post – I loved this. Those kids are so lucky to be around such a fun and creative spirit such as yourself. The table arrangements are gorgeous and the decorations are great – did you say coffee filters dipped in koolaid? Love, love, love them! And let’s not forget that menu - looks delicious! This is my kind of party....wish I were there - Voted!
- Butter
(from Running On Butter)
Great entry – you are so unique with every post – I loved this. Those kids are so lucky to be around such a fun and creative spirit such as yourself. The table arrangements are gorgeous and the decorations are great – did you say coffee filters dipped in koolaid? Love, love, love them! And let’s not forget that menu - looks delicious! This is my kind of party....wish I were there - Voted!
- Butter
(from Running On Butter)
I would have voted for you if only for the title of your post, but I loved your children's party too!
How tremendously cute - is the raspberry society open for new memberships by any chance? :) Definitely voting for this one!
I love the way your drawings come to life in the photos that follow them. Also, can I get in on this Secret Society? Regardless of my admission, you've got my vote. GOod luck this week!
Lick My Spoon
This is so cute! It looks like your kids had a wonderful time at their luxury party! Well done!!
What an adorable post! You gey my vote :)
This is so lovely! What a spectacular dinner party:).
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