1. Pick a theme (we'll discuss this below!)
2. Brainstorm
3. Research
4. Translate ideas to physical form
5. Create the plan
What is a theme? It's the idea that pulls all the elements of a garden together.
Before designing a garden I always encourage the selection of a theme. Why?
- To focus your design
- To help in the selection of materials (plants, hardscapes, furniture, etc.)
- To tell a story
First let's look at some traditional themes:

Traditional themes are great, but I'd like to show you how to develop a garden around any theme. Our garden will focus on something nontraditional and out-of-the-ordinary. To help us get started I asked for your help on facebook, twitter, this blog and my newsletter to pick a theme. Wow, did I get some great ideas!
Here are some of them: shoes, fashion, heavy metal, pez, photographs, ceramics, music, video games, murder mystery books, jeans, wellies, Christian Louboutan red sole shoes, punk, jazz, Great Gatsby, Italy and quilts. Below are garden themes that can be created from some of these ideas.
The most fascinating themes have no relationship to gardening. When you combine gardening with an unrelated topic the design gets very interesting (I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it!).
Now to pick a theme (drum roll please...). I'd like to choose something that seems far, far away from gardening (to show that this can indeed be accomplished), be a topic I'd like to learn more about, and finally something that will challenge me outside my illustrative comfort zone (opposite of cute and whimsical). The only logical choice is HEAVY METAL! I'm a little frightened, but excited to get started!
My eleven-year-old daughter would say to me at this point...mom, how are you going to create a heavy metal garden? My reply..."not sure, I plan to follow the process to find out." I typically don't have preconceived ideas, I just let the process inspire me.
Please stick with me! I'll need your help with the next three steps. It's time to BRAINSTORM now. What comes to mind when you think of heavy metal? Let me know in the comments below, on facebook or twitter.
For those saddened that I didn't pick your topic, no worries. I plan to design more gardens with you in the future and tap into a couple more of your fabulous ideas.
When I think of heavy metal, I think of an anvil or hammers or a plow or something - you can tell I'm from a different generation! LOL
That's great Sandy! There are no wrong answers!
the first thing that came to my sense, was a rustic style garden, where everything is technically metal and old-fashioned (and heavy!) garden tools.
Mischelle - That's great! It's so much fun to see what pops into other's minds about this topic!
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