We play this little game at our house. My husband buys bananas, one or two get eaten, one or two rot away, then we don't see them for several months (he refuses to buy them if wasted). In order to keep the supply coming, we have to make sure they are all eaten in a timely manner and not allow rotting. Its delicate timing...you don't want to eat them quickly and have banana overload, yet you don't want to stop future banana commerce either.
We can only buy 3 at most - my husband will only eat them right at the point where they're still a little green with the beginning tinges of yellow. After that, they're too ripe for him!
We play the same game! I'm the buyer though :) I've taken to setting one out each morning on his "counter area" so he'll be reminded to eat one. My loophole is freezing them for smoothies!
Beautiful idea & site!
The answer is simple, peel them and toss in a plastic bag(preferably with the air sucked out) and freeze them.
At that point they need to be eaten still frozen, but on a hot summer day it is at least as good as ice cream. Dip in chocolate for total decadence.
Best if frozen after green and before brown spots. If frozen bananas pile up a bit in the Winter, they will surely be gone by Fall
You can freeze them and then bake banana muffins later on. We have a pretty good banana muffin recipe:
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And I have a hard time getting my family to let bananas get ripe enough for me to make banana bread...
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