
Let Me Draw Your Food!

So many of you have great food blogs and I need many fabulous food images to draw...so maybe we can help each other. Please send me a link to your favorite posts...with a great photo included. They can be quite simple or complex. If I pick your recipe to draw, I'll include a link back to your blog from "The Lunch Box Project". Please follow these submission guidelines before sending anything! I look forward to seeing all your fabulous creations! {available}


Anonymous said...

That is such a great idea!
I will send you my links for sure, hoping to see my photos drawn by you!


Kim said...

Wonderful idea! I have a few too to send to you Lisa! Thank you !!!!

louis luzzo said...

Great idea, I'm looking forward seeing the response you get.
My links are winging their way to you and if chosen, look forward to your interpretation.

s. stockwell said...

We love your drawings! What a great idea. Best from Santa Barbara, s

Home At Last said...

thanks for the invite! I will have to think hard on what to submit!


Lynn, Mama Says said...

Lisa, Thank you for the wonderful offer. I will send you some links to consider. What fun. Thank you so much.

anya said...

Dear Lisa, I am with the others: it's a great idea indeed! Will be sending you a few links shortly.


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately Im not much of a food photographer. I am still learning, but my recent post is my best picture so far, have a look:

Silvia said...

Hi Lisa, Wonderful idea, I love your creativity, great drawing! Thanx to invte me, surely I would send you my links!!

camilla Baker said...

Thanks for the invite, I'll have a look and send it your way- very exciting!

Carolyn said...

I love this idea. I have a few nice photos. I'll definitely send you my eggplant photo, since i think it would make a really nice drawing.

Anonymous said...

fun idea...I'll send you a few pics! - zahavah

Yvonne, My Halal Kitchen said...

What a wonderful idea. I'll look through my blog to see which one I'd love to see drawn. thanks!

Alice said...

Wonderful! Thanks for the invite and will start selecting one for you.

Tangled Noodle said...

A fabulous idea! I can't wait to see which one you choose. 8-)

Jenn said...

Clever idea!!! My links are coming your way.

Massimiliano Fattorini said...

great idea, if you want you can draw my recipe that you can find in my blog, sorry form my english but i'm italian ...

Unknown said...

Our blog has an entire section dedicated to recipes, most of which have pictures included. Feel free to browse the recipe section & use any pictures you'd like.

Danica's Daily said...

How fun! I think you could have fun with my cupcakes maybe....I'll send you a link....good luck!

sarah said...

Just popped in here to take a look at your site, very creative and unique. Your food site stands out because of your artwork.

NuKiwi said...

Just emailed a few...hope you find some good subjects! :o)

Konstantina said...

Just e-mailed you a couple more links from my new site this time...hope you like them!!

Konstantina - www.exeigousto.net

Oceana said...

Hi Lisa,
I have also send some links from my site. I hope you will get time to check
Have a nice day !!

Anonymous said...

Hi- Thanks for contacting me and good luck with your project. Its very ambitious. Have you been able to keep it up everyday? I will send you some photos. Thanks!